The multiplier event saw the participation of about 30 Italian realities (mainly Piedmontese, but not only) operating in the sectors of adult training and the reintegration of the unemployed into work. The materials developed during the project were presented, together with a preview of the European platform where participants were invited to register.
Two realities present, the Cpia 4 of Turin and the Forma-Rete association, presented two of the good practices selected during the project. During the event, a comparison spontaneously arose between the present realities, which presented themselves to each other and exchanged contacts with a view to future collaborations.

The pilot test was organized as follows:
1. Individual interviews of the beneficiaries involved with an expert consultant, aimed at analyzing needs and identifying the training path to follow
2. Group workshop based on needs analysis, in this step the motivational strategies and case studies contained in the guide developed by the project were tested
3. Networking meetings with training bodies, experts and job reintegration associations and participation in activities organized by the realities encountered (eg cooking course, organic farming course, digitization course).