In Spain, the piloting of Act45 began in February and is being carried out by a group of counselors in seven different regions.
In these regions, Action Against Hunger’s employability programs are present and among the participants of these programs, those over 45 are also receiving support from the Act45 project by participating in specific activities: group exercises, individual counseling, training pills and actions with companies.

There are currently 29 people participating in these activities.
In addition, last Monday, May 24, a workshop focused on overcoming limiting beliefs related to age and training was organized within the framework of the program, which was attended by a total of 227 people.
After this activity, one of the participants (over 45) stated that: “It has helped me to change my beliefs about age and lack of recent experience”.
Additionally, Acción contra el Hambre is taking advantage of this opportunity to make visible the importance of facilitating actions to improve access to training and employment for people over 45, especially those with low qualifications. Among the visibility-sensitization actions, it is worth mentioning the recent intervention in two Spanish Radio TV programs commenting on the problem and the actions implemented in Act45 to reach solutions and a facebook campaign developed by the team of the Galicia region, which under the slogan “Senior Wednesday” shares information about the program or makes visible some of the people participating in it, sharing their testimony.