The recently created guide by Act45 indicates the major steps to be followed by each stakeholder (i.e. CSO’s, Employers, Training Providers and Policy makers) during the training offer.
According to the results of the guide CSO’s should foster iInnovative approaches in encouraging worse-represented groups to participate in adult education, whereas challenges and obstacles need to be addressed in detail. The focus of attention of the employability approach should be on social interaction, inclusion, and active citizenship in parallel with the fundamental skills (numeracy, literacy, digital skills).

Employers should implement the matching approach tends to link training for unemployed adults to current employment opportunities, either directly through customized schemes, with specific employers or indirectly based on labour market needs. The purpose of choosing this approach assumes that specific training delivers a number of specialized skills needed for a specific job.

Regarding Training Providers the level of adults’ participation in learning activities could be increased if, there are real opportunities for advancement and job rotation, the operation of the learning process is tailored more closely to participants needs and their employers support learning activities. Thus the training should be relevant to participants needs and delivered in a practical way. Moreover, it is suggested that training activities that lead to qualifications recognized by employers could increase participation.

Policy makers have the decision-making power to change or set institutional policies. They can influence the collaboration framework in two ways. Firstly, via reviewing the structural framework and policies applied in partner countries.
You may find the guide here.