According to studies in EU it is noticed that the highest long-term unemployment rates are found in the least educated segment of population. Almost 60% of Europe’s 74 million low-skilled citizens are over 45 years old and are the most hard to reach, even though they need lifelong learning most (CEDEFOP 2011).
To respond to these challenges, Act45 aims to develop and test an integrated collaboration framework among CSOs, employers and training providers, promoting tailor-made motivation and engagement strategies for encouraging the participation of unemployed low-skilled adults over 45 years old in training on basic and soft skills.
Throughout the project, knowledge resources and recommendations for employers and social partners operating in sectors with suitable and sustainable opportunities for unemployed low-skilled adults over 45 years old, will be produced, aiming to:
• inform about the need to collaborate with different stakeholders to support social and labour
• inclusion of unemployed low-skilled older adults,
• to promote the development and implementation of a pragmatic, economically and socially responsible employment policy that respond to the challenges of active aging of workforce.
Act45 is currently conducting an online survey on the good practices and initiatives implemented by employers, towards the promotion of upskilling for unemployed low-skilled older adults over 45 years old. with a focus on:
• presenting the benefits of getting involved in active ageing initiatives,
• promoting the image of employer of choice encouraging diversity,
• addressing the impact of demographic change,
• creating balanced teams to reduce human resources management costs linked to the higher percentage of younger employees’ resignations etc.
The proposed good practices must be already implemented in EU countries, with employers involved in initiatives to provide low-skilled older adults with the skills required by the labour market and incentivize them towards upskilling. They should tackle issues related to the mutual recognition of the skills acquired through non-formal, informal, or work-based learning to encourage participation of low-skilled older adults in training opportunities where credits accumulation and transfer is supported.
Learn more on the methodological process here.
If you feel that your input will be valuable, you can submit your responses until 16/10 here.